cancellations and refunds

All Bookings are non-refundable unless otherwise stated. If you find that you must cancel a Booking for any reason, please contact us. We will do all we can to assist you in this process. However, please be aware that even if your cancellation is allowed and your Booking is thus refundable, it may be subject to an administrative cancellation fee displayed in the table below plus additional fees charged by airlines and other Travel Service Provider.


Please note that some carrier’s policies require that the booking was made up to a week in advance of the flight’s departure in order to receive a refund.


Refund requests for airline ticket Bookings are subject to the airline rules and regulations of purchased tickets. If the refund request is approved by the airline, we are unable to provide a specific timeline for how long it may take for this requested refund to be processed. All refund requests are processed in a sequential format. Once you have provided us with your cancellation request, we will then send you an email notification that your request has been processed. Our service fees associated with any Booking are not refundable.


Please note that we are dependent on the Travel Service Providers for receiving the requested refunds. Once the refund has been approved by the Travel Service Provider it may take additional time for this to appear on your credit card statement. Generally, all Travel Service Providers will charge a penalty for a refund. This entire process may take 60-90 days from receipt of your request to receiving credit on your statement.